Customer case
Pattern Drafting and Factory Fabrications Manager

Context :

One of our clients has requested the creation of a new position to merge pattern drafting-modeling and factory relations into a single role. 

Profile sought : We are seeking a candidate with advanced technical training, such as a BTS in modeling or equivalent, complemented by at least 5 years of experience in pattern drafting and proven mastery of the LECTRA System Modaris software. Practical experience in textile manufacturing, coupled with a successful initial experience in team management, preferably in the entertainment sector, is also required. 

Challenge :The major difficulty encountered has been the urgent need for this role. 

Recruitment strategy : A direct and confidential approach, supplemented by a Communication Pack, has been chosen to attract talents that meet the specific requirements of the position. This strategy enables targeting of passive candidates perfectly aligned with the sought-after profile. 

1 months
mission duration
profiles approached
qualified and selected profiles

(including 4 office interviews)