Aurélie B.

Administrative and Financial Director Bleu Océane

As a company seeking talent to support our growth, we have had the opportunity to collaborate with the recruitment firm Linman & Associés for several years, and we would like to share our positive experience.

From the beginning of our collaboration, the team at Linman & Associés demonstrated an ability to understand our specific needs related to our industry. Their knowledge of the profession, their proximity, and their availability facilitated frequent and constructive exchanges, allowing for a deep understanding of our company culture and the profiles we were looking for. This close approach was essential in establishing a trustful relationship and ensuring recruitment suited to our requirements.

The support offered by Linman & Associés has been a real added value. The team guided us proactively. Their support did not stop at the signing of the employment contract; they also ensured the successful integration of new employees, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition.

Linman & Associés’ commitment to our satisfaction has been constant and palpable. Their transparent communication and responsiveness facilitated a harmonious and effective collaboration. Their personalized approach and dedication to meeting our expectations have made Linman & Associés a preferred recruitment partner.

We highly recommend the recruitment firm Linman & Associés to any company wishing to surround itself with exceptional talent. Their proximity, seriousness, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them a valuable partner in successfully addressing recruitment challenges.